Battle Angel Alita Wiki

Duration: 97 days (12 November 2012 - 17 February 2013)

Total votes: 29


  1. Ahat Mastade: 2 votes (7.41%)
  2. Capoeira: 1 vote (3.7%)
  3. Kung Fu: 2 votes (7.41%)
  4. Maschine Klatsch: 1 vote (3.7%)
  5. One of the other Asian Arts: 0 votes
  6. Panzer Kunst: 15 votes (55.56%)
  7. Sechster Angriff: 2 votes (7.41%)
  8. Space Karate: 3 votes (11.11%)
  9. None of the above.: 1 vote (3.7%)